ABOUT THE TRAINING: (That’s Agility,
Balance, Coordination, Speed and Strength)
- Goals, Goals, Goals – Shooting technique and Goal scoring attitude
- Players grouped by ability level & age to create appropriately
challenging training environment
- Basic to advanced skills and tactics are addressed in small-sided situations according to the principles of the gam
to help players learn how to apply their skills and make quicker and better decisions
- Special attention will be paid to proper recovery training and injury
prevention to avoid physical overload for those players participating in a spring season with their teams.
To enhance the learning experience for players,
parents and coaches I am beginning to use video. To be included in a future video production requires your consent which
is located on the back of the registration form. Please print, sign, and return the consent form with your registration.
If you prefer that your child not be filmed this is perfectly understandable and will not impact their participation
in these training sessions in any way. Video of the actual learning process can be an excellent teaching tool and I
am excited about bringing this project to life. The goal, as always, is to improve performance and increase the enjoyment
of the game for all involved. Please consider participating in this exciting project. Thank you.